Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Festivites

It seems that this year, Halloween lasted all week! On Monday, we went to a church Trunk or Treat activity, and had a great time. Thanks to Kendall and Eddie and Brandon and Karley for letting us tag along. We also had a party at Cheyenne's school on Thursday complete with a costume parade and a pizza party, it was a blast. Then Finally we actually hit Halloween Day! In the A.M. we went to do a little trick or treating at a local nursing home and the kids had a fabulous time!

Finally, Halloween Night arrived and we had a great time. Kendall and Eddie and their daughters, Shaylee and McKenna as well as our friends, Brandon and Karley, and their daughter Austin came over. We all went out to trick or treat together, it was so cute to see all of the five little one running up every walkway to ding dong the doorbell. By about half way into it, Mason was draggin his pumpkin because he was tired and it was getting pretty full. Mason went as Diego, he loved it, everytime he sees the shirt he says Go Diego Go! And Cheyenne was a pink and white kitty cat, totally adorable!

1 comment:

Kendall said...

It was so fun! I will email you the pictures I got of the kids from Friday when I get a chance!