Monday, July 14, 2008

Memory Monday

Since, my friend Kendall does this I thought it was a fabulous idea and a good way to write down memories to preserve here.

So, my first flashback is about the first thime that i really felt like I was married. After we got married, Shane and I decided that we would take a roadtrip for our honeymoon. Until this point I dont think I really thought in terms of I am married now. One of the first places that we went was to Kalispel, MT and stayed with some wonderful family friends named the Stafford's. Anyway, at one point, all the men were outside doing some work with the farm animals and the women were inside. One of the women inside turned to me and asked me, "Is your husband out there, too?" And I probably looked really dumb when because I sat there for a minute until it hit me, Yes I am married and my husband is out there.

We are going on our 5 year anniversary this fall, and I couldnt have asked for a better 5 years of my life! Love you Shane!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

All Wet

So, Mason has discovered that the refridgerator dispenses water. So today after he finished his baba, he decided that he would try to fill it up again. And needless to say he ended up like really wet. He was screaming his head off as well, but it was really funny. I couldnt pull myself together to get a pic of the wet mason but here is him try to fill up the bottle!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My New Truck

So over the holiday weekend, we were up at Shane's moms house and he decided we needed a new vehicle. Surprise, Surprise it is a truck! The kids love it though, they can see alot more now! I like driving it, I just do not like the gas mileage, but we will just have to be more careful now!

All I can say is at least it fits in my garage, I would have been really really mad if it didnt.