Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Life is Good.....

So, this time of year makes you think of your many blessings! And today, I was greatly aware of a few of them. For one, I have family close that I love to see and get to see often. I am grateful to my mom and my sister for all their love and guidance, I dont know what I would do without you. I am so so thankful for Shane, my life is the best it ever could be with him and gets better by the day! I am so very thankful for my kids, Cheyenne for teaching me many lessons mainly in patience, and Mason for his such sweet spirit to keep me sane!

Some trivial things that I realized I was thankful for today, were the fact that it rained here, since we moved here it has not dropped below 85, it was so nice to wear long sleeve shirts this morning and wet with a little rain. Also, for the fact that I only paid 1.93 a gallon for gas today! Amazing! Lastly, I am so excited and thankful that it is only 30 days till Christmas! I cant wait!!!

Thanksgiving Show

Today at Cheyenne's preschool they had a little thanksgiving show. It was so great to see her up there singing with all her classmates. Shane was even able to get away from work for like ten minutes to come and watch. Enjoy the video!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Cheyenne and Mason are still really obsessed with Trick or Treating right now! About three or four times I day I walk down the hall and find then Trick or Treating to each other, and giving each other random toys as the candy. I think that next year is going to be a blast if they are that excited still!

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Kids Will Play

When Mommy is working in her office, the kids tend to be very very naughty! This is what happened yesterday when I was trying to finish the invites for my best friends shower!

The entire bottle had been poured out onto the couch and the floor in my living room. By the time daddy was home it was clean but oh my goodness did it smell like baby powder in here!

The kids of course got in trouble but not before I got a quick snapshot of them being naughty!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


8 Things

8 TV shows
1. Greys Anatomy
2. Bones
4. Food Network
5. Gilmore Girl Reruns every day
6. Private Practice
7. How I met your mother
8. Samantha Who?

8 Resturants I like
1. Ciro's
2. Outback
3. Black Angus
4. Olive Garden
5. Applebees
6. Red Robin
7. In-n-Out
8. Taco Bell

8 Things I did yesterday
1. Laundry
2. Saw Madagascar 2
3. Went to the store and bought milk - I do that alot!
4. More Laundry
5. Made treats for Poker night
6. Went to poker night
7. Almost won poker night
8. Read to my kids for like an hour, hahaha

8 Thing I am looking forward to:
1. Meeting my new niece
2. May family coming this weekend
3. Thanksgiving
4. Every Monday- Thursday when Cheyenne is at school
5. Christmas
6. Granite's Christmas Parties
7. Karly's Bridal Shower
8. Karly's Wedding

8 things on my wish list
1. more money
2. less weight
3. more time in my day
4. mason to sleep through the night
5. my family would come for christmas
6. new clothes
7. standing mixer
8. new dishes

8 Things I love:
1. Shane
2. Mason and Cheyenne
3. My family
4. My friends
5. My home
6. My kitties
7. MOMS Club
8. Church

8 Things I cant stand
1. dishonesty
2. people comparing themselves to me
3. being late
4. fighting kids
5. grumpy hubby
6. messy kitchen
7. messy bathroom
8. piles and piles of laundry

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dean Comes to Visit

Monday, Cheyenne's bestest friend Dean came to visit! She has missed him so much since we moved to the Desert, she was excited. His mom Megan, is a great friend of mine too and I cant tell you how great it was to see her, she is an amazing person and a great example of a awesome mom! We took the kids to the Living Desert, which is basically a zoo out here by us, the kids had a blast and we enjoyed catching up and chatting while the kids ran around and around. Mason thought he was so big, he got to push the wagon with Cheyenne and Dean in it! Then we brought the kids home and had dinner and just hung out for a while. Megan and I made some soap from a kit that she purchased from the store, it was totally easy and fun, we had a good time.

Thanks so much for coming to visit, we are feeling a little lonely today and miss you already!

Auntie Again!

I am happy to announce that I am an Auntie once again! My niece Brooklyn Jane was born yesterday, I dont know what time, but I got a call at like 7:00pm so I am sure it was before that. She weighed in at 8 lbs 7 oz which is funny because that is exactly Cheyenne's weight when she was born!

Welcome Brooklyn!

Congrats Lincoln and Jennifer and Big Sister Mackenzie!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Elections 2008

I am proud to be an american, more now that I have done my civic duty and voted. Up until this year I just kinda sat on the sidelines but this year there was so much at stake! Now that our new President has been selected. It is time for healing to begin and for us all to move forward. It will be an adventure to see where this all takes us and how the next four years in our country shape up. As an American I extend all of my support to the incoming President Obama. I love this country and hope that we have all selected the right person to lead us and be the face of our nation.

Also, as a Californian, I had the opportunity to vote on Prop 8. Which outlaws same sex marriage, I proudly voted yes for this measure and am so happy to say that it passed. With it passing we are now a state again that to marry you must be a man and woman. Thanks to all that voted with me! I am thankful for democracy!

School and Field Trips

Cheyenne switched to a new school this week. Things were just not working out at the old one and not a happy place for either one of us. This new school is basically the same program but at a different location and with different teachers. She loves this new one and is thriving. After just one week at the new school, she already has a handful of friends and is so happy. By today, which is her 4th day, she didnt shed a tear at all when i left! I am so happy for this great change!

On her second day at her new school, she had a field trip. What a great way to start off her new adventure. The class went to the Living Desert, the zoo type thing here in the desert. Mason and I tagged along. We had an awesome day and here are a few pics for the day!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Camping Out

Over the weekend, we had an unfortunate thing happen. Our A/C unit that cools the back part of the house went out. Bummer! So for the last two nights, we have had to have a campout in the living room to sleep because it is beyond hot in the back. Unfortuanetly they cant even come and look at the unit for three more days, total bummer!

So, the picture to the left has been our sleep arrangements. Shane slept on the green mat and i slept on the couch and the kids were between us. Also, the cats took up sleeping in the green rocking chair together!

Halloween Festivites

It seems that this year, Halloween lasted all week! On Monday, we went to a church Trunk or Treat activity, and had a great time. Thanks to Kendall and Eddie and Brandon and Karley for letting us tag along. We also had a party at Cheyenne's school on Thursday complete with a costume parade and a pizza party, it was a blast. Then Finally we actually hit Halloween Day! In the A.M. we went to do a little trick or treating at a local nursing home and the kids had a fabulous time!

Finally, Halloween Night arrived and we had a great time. Kendall and Eddie and their daughters, Shaylee and McKenna as well as our friends, Brandon and Karley, and their daughter Austin came over. We all went out to trick or treat together, it was so cute to see all of the five little one running up every walkway to ding dong the doorbell. By about half way into it, Mason was draggin his pumpkin because he was tired and it was getting pretty full. Mason went as Diego, he loved it, everytime he sees the shirt he says Go Diego Go! And Cheyenne was a pink and white kitty cat, totally adorable!