Friday, June 27, 2008

I was Tagged by Kendall

What was I doing 10 yrs ago....I was a Junior in High School. And a royal pain to my parents, my rebellious time in my life. Marching colorguard was my life and loved it!

5 yrs ago....I was newly engaged to my wonderful Shane. We got engaged on June 1st so we had just got started on all the work that comes after that.

1 yr ago......I was living with my parents in Orange County and Shane was working out of town all week. Rough time in our lives to be away from each other so much!

Yesterday.... Worked all day on getting our bows ready to go. Finally it is all set and now we just have to cross our fingers and hope that the lady at the boutique just loves them.

5 snacks I enjoy..........cheese, cracker(lots of kinds), fresh fruit, snickers(my fave candy bar) and chex mix

5 favorite books...... Twilight series of course, completely addicted to that. Nora Roberts, anything James Patterson. I also love magazines, a little addicted to those, mainly gossipy ones.

5 places to run.......Target, unfortunately the grocery store, my parent’s house, the movies, and home is always nice5 bad habits.........putting off cleaning until I have to do it, obsessively on time, eating junk, caffeine and watching way too much tv

5 pet peeves..... people who are late, or don’t follow the rules, mean kids(ones that are mean to my kids) that are not corrected by their parents, people who talk in the movies and wet willies.

5 things I baths with a good book, going out to eat, shopping, writing to people online, taking pictures

5 favorite TV shows.......Bones, Grey’s Anatomy, So you think you can dance, any crime drama, and the food network( love to watch people cook stuff I could never cook myself.)

5 people I would love to meet........President Bush, President Monson, (stole those from Kendall), Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, Patrick Dempsey

5 things I would never wear........short skirts or shorts, tube top, high heels, anything slit up the side, anything a weird color.

5 people to tag.........?

Thursday, June 26, 2008


ok, I am not sure how many of you saw the new show that was on Monday night on CBS, I think. But it is called Wipeout and if you have ever seen those Japanese game shows where everyone falls all over the place, it is kinda like that. I laughed the whole time I watched it. Anyway, half way through Cheyenne was trying to get out of our recliner and totally fell out and since I had been watching that show. I could not stop laughing. She was so so mad at me. She said, " Ya know Mom that really hurts my feelings!!" I really couldnt pull myself together after that, Shane had to step in and calm her down. It was absolutely hilarious.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Team Edward

Ok, so I became a member of Team Edward. I have fell in love with the Twilight series and cant wait for the next book to come out in August. I am thinking of buying the whole set then and hopefully keep them to pass on to others who have not read them. These book are absolutely amazing and totally addicting. Thanks to Crystal for getting me addicted. I love them!!!

Go Team Edward! August 2nd cant come soon enough!!

First Sunday

Today was our first trip to our new ward here. It was great to finally go to Sacrament here and met some new people that are in our ward. Having our friends, Kendall and Eddie and their wonderful kids was a great help to be brave and attend our new ward. Cheyenne was slightly confused why Oma and Opa were not there, since we usually only attend with them. But I can already feel the benefits of our short visit to our ward. You know when you can tell the spirit is stronger in your life? That is how I feel today with even just a little short trip to church. We want to start attending the other meetings but we are going to try to build the kids (and Shane) up to that. I am grateful for the gospel in my life each and every day. Have a great Sabbath Day!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


So, we are all feeling a little bit of cabin fever over here. We have been in this house for three days, three days is way way too long. We are having some car trouble so Shane does not want me to drive it until it is fixed which hopefully today we will be able to take it in to get looked at. So, that is why we stayed home yesterday for the most part. But also, Shane left with my car keys in his pocket and was all the way at his job site, 2.5 hours away before he called me to tell me. I think subconciously he did it so that I could not drive. Besides all that it is also at least 110 degrees here every day this week. It is so ridiculously hot! So, I want to keep the kids out of that as much as possible but we are going to have to find something to save our sanity as well!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day Weekend

This past weekend being Father's Day made me reflect alot on how my life has changed since Shane and I became parents. Our children are our world and that is the way that it is intended to be and we couldnt ask for a better calling in life than to be parents to such wonderful kids. We spent this past weekend with my family in Orange County. On Saturday we took family pictures for the year of my side of the family tree. We take a new one every year now it is important to us to document as our family grows. Then we spent most of the rest of the day celebrating my sister's birthday which had been earlier in the week.

Then on Sunday, church really set the mood for appreciating the fathers in our lives. We spent the day again as a family and giving small gifts and just spending some time together.

It was a great weekend and we miss them all already!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Ok, so I like this. Minus the wording error on my last entry it is very, very cool.

First Post

Hello All!

My friend Kendall told me she uses her blog to keep in contact with her family and I thought that was an awesome idea, so here I am.

I want to send a like to here to all my friends and family so that they can be a part of our lives more frequesntly than when I do get to see them all. Posting here with help those who live far to feel a little closer to us with each entry.

I will write again soon! As soon as I go see how this looks!