Sunday, June 22, 2008

First Sunday

Today was our first trip to our new ward here. It was great to finally go to Sacrament here and met some new people that are in our ward. Having our friends, Kendall and Eddie and their wonderful kids was a great help to be brave and attend our new ward. Cheyenne was slightly confused why Oma and Opa were not there, since we usually only attend with them. But I can already feel the benefits of our short visit to our ward. You know when you can tell the spirit is stronger in your life? That is how I feel today with even just a little short trip to church. We want to start attending the other meetings but we are going to try to build the kids (and Shane) up to that. I am grateful for the gospel in my life each and every day. Have a great Sabbath Day!

1 comment:

Kendall said...

I am so glad that you guys came!!!:)