Monday, October 27, 2008

High School Musical 3

On Saturday, Mommy and Cheyenne had a great date! We went to see the new chapter in High School Musical. It was so much fun! I realized that I do not get to spend enough time with just my little girl anymore and saw just how fast she is growing up into a little lady. We each picked some treats and I suggested to her that she could get the Kids Pack at the Snack Counter and she said no I dont need the Kid Pack, I am a big girl and can just have a regular pack. She is growing up so fast and is way too smart for her own good. The movie was so great! We both love the first two and third was even better! We had such an awesome time!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Five Years Goes By So Fast....

On Saturday the 18th, Shane and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary. It is amazing what we have accomplished in those years and how far we have come. Now, with our two beautiful children we look ahead to many many more anniversaries. My parents came over to watch the kids. So Shane and I were able to spend almost all day together without kids and to just be us. We went and did a little Christmas shopping which was so great! We had an awesome time looking at things for each person and not having to worry about a kid running around the store. After that we fit in a quick movie, I was hoping for a lovey-dovey one but of course that did not happen! After the movie, we did a quick run home and checked in on the kids and changed into our nice clothes and off we went for a nice fancy-sit-down-without-chasing-kids-around dinner. Shane took me to the Chophouse in Palm Desert, we loved it! As the years have gone by we have tried most of the steakhouses down in this area and this one is by far my favorite! The service was amazing and the food was so great that i didnt want to leave. So, needless to say we celebrated our hardworking 5 years in style and cant wait for many more anniversaries like this one!

Oh as a side note, the gift for 5 years according to the internet is wood. So we both decided that the house is our wedding present to each other. And what a great gift it is!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

This weekend we took a trip to the Pumpkin Patch which is about an hour away. It was so worth the trip. You get to get a wheelbarrow and go out and pick your very own pumpkins. The kids had a lot of fun picking through the pumpkins to find a huge one and lots of other small ones. This pumpkin patch also had bounce houses and lots and lots of other stuff to do. It was nice to get out, and it was one 70 degrees and enjoy the fresh air and the changing season! I love fall!

Soccer Time

So Cheyenne has started playing soccer on Saturday mornings. She is still very nervous about it because she is not very sure about it. Right now, Shane and I both take turns going out there with her and running alongside her. So it is good exercise for us as well! I hope she starts getting a little more comfortable and less clingy to us! But here is a pic of her all dressed up to go out and play!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Goodbye to Baby Times

This week has marked the end of some of the baby times at our house. All in this week so far, we have put the high chair in the garage and now Mason is a big boy and eats at the table with us. Also this week we took down the big gate in the hallway and are letting them have more freedom into the back of the house. They are loving it, more toys and rooms to run around in. I am sad to see Mason getting bigger, he has gotten big so fast. But they have to grow up sometime!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Wheels on the Bus.....

Today we had a MOMS club activity, we went to tour the school bus yard. We got to see three different buses and the kids had a blast. The tour guide named Mr. Joe was awesome he even let the kids ride on the wheelchair lift on the small bus. They had a great time! Below are two pics of the kids on the big bus, they really enjoyed this trip. Cheyenne has been convinced lately that she should be riding the bus to school and I have been telling her she is not quite old enough right now, but she sat on the bus today and told me, look mom i am just the right size for this one!
The new buses that they showed us have seat belts in them and I really dont like it. The bus driver was telling us that if there were to be an accident he has under three minutes to get back there and undo all the belts and get all of the kids out before the bus would be fully engulfed in flames. Really scary to me!