Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Pics with Santa

Cheyenne telling Santa her "one thing"

School is out of Winter Break

Cheyenne is now on winter break from her preschool for two weeks. We might go a little nuts here with each other everyday but it is nice to have her home and not have to drive her so far every day!
On the last day, the 18th Cheyenne's Class had a little sing along thing with Christmas songs and Santa came to visit. It was so neat, both of my kids went and sat on his lap. When Santa asked Cheyenne what she wanted, she told him" My teacher says i can only ask for one thing and i dont know what to pick my list is too long. " Which is a very true statement. Then it was Mason's turn and Santa asked him what he wanted and he answered by saying "ho ho ho" hahaha, and then he asked again and he told him "choo choos". So lets hope santa got the message and they will be totally excited! My mom and my sister came down for the performance and Cheyenne was so excited to see them!

Crazy Crazy Crazy.....

These past few weeks have been so nuts that I havent had time to post anything. So I wanted to sit down today in between batches of cookies in the oven and pies cooking too, to write a few things that have been happening.
Hope you all are having a great Holiday Season!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Since this was our first year in our new home, we decided to stay at our own house for Thanksgiving this year. So it was also my first year to ever cook the whole meal. Needless to say I was a little worried about all the different dishes but it all turned out so great. I made both Apple and Cherry pie from Scratch and they were so yummy!

Then I also made mashed potatoes from scratch and green bean casserole, along with the turkey and rolls and stuffing! It all turned out so great! I cant wait to cook for Christmas, and I might have to make a pie in between just to have a yummy one again!

(Sorry for the late posts and so many, I am catching up, it has been a crazy two weeks)

Monday, December 1, 2008


What's your husband's name? Shane - well... Anthony Shane

How long have you been married? 5 years

How long did you date? 8 months

Who said I love you first? He said it first, then was so relieved when i said it back

Who asked who out first? He did.

Who kissed who first? I kissed him, he is shy and I am not!

How old is he? 39

Who eats the sweets? I love all sweet... but he has to have his scoop of ice cream before bed

Who sings best? When he sings which is rare, he is pretty good

Who's smarter? he is very smart but i am a close second

Who cooks dinner and does laundry? I do both.

Who mows the lawn? He does

Who pays the bills? I do.

Who drives? When he is with us, its him.

Who wears the pants? He wears the pants but i like to try them on every now and then.

Our favorite couple thing to do: Going to the movies and road trips even with the kids that is by far our favorite thing to do!

His favorite pastimes: movies, and video games

What I love most about him: My fave is that he loves me uncoditionally. No matter what happens between us or to either of us he is there for me, my best friend and everything else I need!